As you continue to expand your awareness of holistic living, your sensitivity levels increase naturally.
For instance, when you change your diet and start eating clean and organic foods, you will notice that foods with sugar and salt in them all of a sudden seem to have sharper and stronger tastes to them. Often times, people will limit their use of these salty and sugary additives as their bodies begin to gravitate towards more nutritious and whole food options.
Magic? I think not. You have changed your body chemistry and are now tuning into what is needed to operate your body in an optimal fashion. Perhaps you have stopped allowing your eyes and mind dictate what you should eat (pizza commercials, candy ads) and have given a louder voice to your body's true needs. But what does this have to do with conscious capitalism?
Your holistic journey may have started in a yoga studio, in a Whole Foods, or at a hospital with a scary diagnosis. Wherever you began, you are here.
When you start to take into consideration how products are made, what ingredients go into them, how the employees at that company are treated; these are all factors which make products awesome or really bad for us.
Everything is made of energy and do we all know that water is the #1 holder and carrier of the vibration field we all live in? Yes, so what? Well most products are made with water, so whatever circumstances or conditions those items were made under will hold that vibrational pattern. Hmmm. So let's try our best as employees to do what we do with love.... and let's try our best and consumers to purchase what we need, and purchase things that matter to you, are good for you and the environment and were made with love.
Each dollar we spend each day is a vote of yes. It is saying yes I approve of this thing I am buying. So make sure your dollars (and votes) are used on things that make this world a better place.
Love & light always,
For instance, when you change your diet and start eating clean and organic foods, you will notice that foods with sugar and salt in them all of a sudden seem to have sharper and stronger tastes to them. Often times, people will limit their use of these salty and sugary additives as their bodies begin to gravitate towards more nutritious and whole food options.
Magic? I think not. You have changed your body chemistry and are now tuning into what is needed to operate your body in an optimal fashion. Perhaps you have stopped allowing your eyes and mind dictate what you should eat (pizza commercials, candy ads) and have given a louder voice to your body's true needs. But what does this have to do with conscious capitalism?
Your holistic journey may have started in a yoga studio, in a Whole Foods, or at a hospital with a scary diagnosis. Wherever you began, you are here.
When you start to take into consideration how products are made, what ingredients go into them, how the employees at that company are treated; these are all factors which make products awesome or really bad for us.
Everything is made of energy and do we all know that water is the #1 holder and carrier of the vibration field we all live in? Yes, so what? Well most products are made with water, so whatever circumstances or conditions those items were made under will hold that vibrational pattern. Hmmm. So let's try our best as employees to do what we do with love.... and let's try our best and consumers to purchase what we need, and purchase things that matter to you, are good for you and the environment and were made with love.
Each dollar we spend each day is a vote of yes. It is saying yes I approve of this thing I am buying. So make sure your dollars (and votes) are used on things that make this world a better place.
Love & light always,