Healing the body begins with the foods we eat to fuel our body.
We believe that food is medicine. Our health coaches will work with your group to understand what are the current eating patterns and provide menus and information on how to improve thier diet, increase their health and achieve a greater sense of wellness. Each person is unique so we will provide individual consultations to those who seek further instruction. Nutrition is the core of all health and wellness programs. Food nourishes our bodies and gives us the fuel to go about our busy days. The quality of the food we eat is as important as the awareness we give ourselves and our bodies when eating. Workshops are offered online or in person to help: control and maintain weight, eat for greater energy and vitality, develop a gluten free lifestyle, develop a low-sodium, low-sugar or plant based lifestyle. We also help you develop mindfulness while eating so that the food you ingest nurtures you to the fullest. Explore our other modalities: Yoga Acupuncture Reiki Massage Mindfulness Meditation |
"Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food".
- Hippocrates
© 2013-2023 Holistic Health Works, LLC.